Archived Drum Kits

by KookUp

Regular price $15.00

This pack contains

200 Sound Files

1 Zip File (137 MB)

Various Genres and Styles

Tempo Labeled Samples

Audio Previews

Enigma 195BPM

Slimey 120BPM

Gunna Swag 121BPM

Madness 190BPM

Previews are tagged, the sounds in the pack you will receive come without the tag and riser.


The KookUp Archived Drumkits is a bundled pack of drumkits released prior to 2021. These included 4 packs full of drum sounds and bonus folders of samples.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I hear the sounds before I purchase?

Previews of the sound kits are on the product page.

Are samples royalty-free?

For selling online beat leases, you can choose to split the profits made from selling leases using these samples. For placements, you have to contact the creator of the sound pack to clear the sample (splits & credit). For drum sounds, 100% royalty-free.

How will I get my sound pack?

After you purchase a sound pack, you will be prompted to download the pack at the confirmation page. A download link will also be sent your email.